2013年12月29日 星期日



As the Earth approaches the end of another year, there is much toponder and reflect on. One of the biggest and most obvious changesthat has taken place is how humanity is beginning to permit thepower of love affect their lives in new ways. Yes, there have beenmany stories of violence, anger and fear. But also, as the year2013 has gone by, you have been able to witness the Power of Lovetake hold on the planet in more ways than ever before.


Moving into 2014, the New Earth will start to take on a new energy;a change forged by the power of love. The power of love in your ownlife will be seen in many new ways. Everything from the smile of astranger, to surprise opportunities and possibilities can come yourway. One of the signals ushering in this change is the passing ofNelson Mandela. He is a shining example of living life from theheart. Now that he has passed on, he will be continuing his work inSpirit, leading and guiding many lightworkers to transform theworld through the power of love.


On an energetic level there are many changes that body is goingthrough as a result of this change. The Universal Love chakra hasnow entered the body through the Crown chakra, on its decent downto take its position at the Heart center. As the Universal Lovechakra comes into contact with the crown, it is causing physicaldiscomfort. Symptoms such as spaciness, feeling "out of it," havingdifficulty concentrating, dizziness, ear popping and whistling,headaches and body temperature fluctuations are all signals of thischakra transition. Read more about this chakra transitionhere .


With the Universal Love chakra entering the body, it is anothersign of this changeover. The world has reached the tipping point,and where Earth was once primarily ruled by fear, Love is nowbeginning to take over. In order to best utilize it, the power oflove must be truly understood. Many people identify love with lust,weakness, or obligation. However, love is none of these things.Love is about allowing each person to be who they are, andtherefore allowing your own essence to shine through aswell.


Love is about compassion and detachment, seeing each person withhope, and yet understanding that when they are experiencingdifficulty, it can only be there for their own learning. This isthe most difficult part of the changeover from fear to love. Asfear tells you to separate, hate and blame others, whereas loveallows you to see through the illusion created by these fear-basedemotions. Love gives you an understanding of the bigger picturethat is playing out on a soul level.

無論何時當你面對挑戰或者感覺到障礙時,問問你自己,“這件事情為什麼發生在我的生活裡?為什麼這個事件發生在我的體驗世界裡?我需要從這個事情中學習什麼?”有些時候,答案也許是非常簡單的事情,像是為了方便神聖時間表;而另一些時候,它可能是生命課程或業力協 ​​議的結果。不管可能是什麼原因,盡量不要把你的情緒帶入到如何看待這個經歷的過程中去。因為,一旦情緒影響你看待看待事情的觀點,它就變得更難去打破它所創造的視角。

Whenever you are faced with challenges or perceived obstacles, askyourself, "Why is this happening in MY life? Why is this eventtaking place in MY world of experience? What am I to learn fromthis?" Sometimes, the answer can be something simple, like tofacilitate Divine timing, and other times it can be the result of alife lesson or karmic agreement. Whatever the reason may be, trynot to bring your emotions into how you view the experience. For,once the emotions affect your view of things, it becomes moredifficult to break out of perspective they create.


Taking the time to understand every piece of why something is goingon can take a lifetime, and many times you will not be privy to thewhole picture of why, until after your incarnation is complete. Itis for this reason, it is so essential to learn to distinguish yourintuition from your fear. Fear will keep you from moving forward,through how it gives reasons to qualify doing or not doingsomething. But, intuition does none of these things; intuition is ashort and sweet directive, directly to the point of what needs tohappen .

正是你的直覺將幫助你完成你的業力協 ​​議和生命課程。為了確保你不必繼續投生輪迴(incarnationcycle),這兩者都絕對有必要完成。是的,即使在5D,仍有投生輪迴,因為那是允許學習進行的方式。然而,一旦你的個人靈魂進化課程和靈魂義務已經被完成,那麼,你可以釋放掉與此循環的約束。

It is your intuition that will help you complete your karmicagreements and life lessons. Both of these are absolutely essentialto finish in order to ensure you do not have to continue with theincarnation cycle. Yes, even in 5D there is an incarnation cycle,for that is what allows for learning to take place. However, onceyour personal soul evolutionary lessons and karmic obligations havebeen completed, then you can release your ties to thiscycle.


So, how do you know if you have a life lesson, or a karmicobligation to complete? There are a couple of ways to discoverthis. Life lessons will always show up in your Astrological birthchart; they are areas of focus that you have chosen to face in thislife that usually center on your soul learning theme. Some possibleareas of this theme would be; science, compassion, relationships,finances, communication, etc. Another way to discover your lifelessons is to look at the experiences in your life. You will knowif it is a life lesson because no matter what you do, the themewill keep showing up in different ways. For example, if your lifelesson theme is relationships, you will consistently be faced withsome challenges in your close relationships.

業力義務是還沒還清的債務,需要被完成。它可能是某些你需要償還的事情,也可能是某些你需要接收的事情。業力存在於兩個人或者多個人之間,也有團體業力。業力義務,一旦完成,將會完全轉變,並改變牽涉其中的人們的能量動態。例如,如果你也有一個業力義務去幫助一個朋友,幫助他們的機會會持續出現,知道這個債務被還清。然而,有時,你的業力是對幫助那個人說不,這是許多人在這個問題上困惑的地方。如果想知道在何種情況下如何去做,絕對有必要去聆聽你自己的內在聲音。甚至沿途中會有跡象和信號來支持你去做什麼樣的行動(或者不去行動)來方便 ​​完成業力義務。

Karmic obligations are unpaid debts that need to be finished up.They can be either something you need to pay, or something you needto receive. Karma is between two or more people, and there is alsogroup karma. Karmic obligations, once completed, will totally shiftand change the energy dynamic among those involved. For example, ifyou have a karmic obligation to help a friend, the opportunity tohelp them will keep showing up until the debt has been repaid.However, sometimes your karma is to say no to helping that person ,and that is where many people get confused on this issue. To knowwhat to do in any situation, it is absolutely imperative to listento your own inner voice. There will even be signs and signals alongthe way to support you in what action (or inaction ) will facilitatethe completion of karmic obligations.


As the power of love takes hold in each person's life, intuitionwill increase, and there will be more supporting evidence in yourlife to help you with making decisions and completing your lifelessons and karmic obligations. That is the biggest benefit to thisshift into 5D. Also, with the Universal Love chakra coming into itsrightful position, Love will be able to take on its true power.There will no longer be any place for fear in love. It will takeapproximately another 2 Earth years for the Universal Love chakrato make its way down to the heart center. And, during the time ofits transit, everyone will feel the effects of it connecting withthe other upper chakras in the body as it passes through theirenergy fields.


The Universal Love chakra is like a giant spotlight, highlightingall energy within the body that is fear based, so that it can beremoved. It will certainly take some time to accomplish this, asthis is a big job to do, but the more that you can stay in a stateof awareness about your own emotions, the better prepared you willbe to tackle this change. If you find yourself feeling too overcomeby the energy/symptoms of this change, simply ask your guides totone it down. It will not affect your spiritual growth in any wayto ask them for this, and in fact by doing so, you are trulylearning to put your own needs as a priority.


Love does not require perfection, merely progress. Love has thepower to change anything, but only when its power is properlyutilized. Love understands everything from a greater perspective,and the more you shift into that perspective in your life, the moreyou are living in Love . As you near the end of another year, takethe time to recognize the joy, gratitude, compassion and Love inyour life. If you cannot recognize it, then make a commitment toyourself to draw it, and the awareness of it, into your life. AllLove comes from Self-love first. Bring your intention of Love intothe new year, and watch it create peace in your life.

