It is within you toaccomplish anything that you put your mind and heart into. You area powerful co-creator with the Divine and your angel guidance is toopen yourself up and let your power be your base and your wisdom beyour guide. Find your still, quiet centre, then heal any thoughtsand feelings of less than, any anger or disappointment that you areholding on to deep in your heart. As you purify your thoughts andfeelings, you will find it easier to rely on your own powers ofdiscernment and can make better choices for yourself.
Spend some time incontemplation and meditate upon what you truly desire. You have theability to create anything you make a commitment to and when youaim for a vision without any doubt, it will succeed. Nothing ismore powerful than focused energy combined with your innerstrength, self worth and spiritual confidence.
Claim your powertoday, aim high and know that you are supported along theway.
Affirmations: "I am apowerful co-creator with the Divine. I am committed to my vision ofwhat I wish to create for myself and my world and because I feelempowered, I am at peace, I am powerful and I amconfident."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly lovedand supported, always, the angels
通靈:SharonTaphorn 翻譯:NickChan