At the time of the Planetary dimensional shift, those that have lifted their frequency beyond the old vibratory rates will not undergo physical death.
It will be harmless because they will be anchored to the planet while it shifts from 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension. The way it works is, imagine a figure eight shaped hourglass.
3D 位於一側, 5D 位於沙漏的另一側。在沙漏的中間部位,這個狹窄的通道代表著網關或 4D 的門戶,當行星轉變發生的時候,兩個維度平面相互重疊。
3D is located on one side and 5D is located in the other side of the hourglass. In the middle of the hourglass, this narrow gap represents the gateway or the 4D portal for the planetary shift that occurs when two dimensional planes eclipse each other.
It is a highly charged membrane of photons, which acts as the wavelength bridge to connect one side of the dimensional frequency band with the next highest band. All living things on the planet has two parallel bodies.
生物身體是碳基 / 物質,與以太身體接合。以太身體作為等離子體 / 反物質 存在。為了有意識地體驗維度的轉變,以太身體需要處於和地球的以太頻率相同的波長。
The biological body is carbon/matter and interfaces with the ethereal body. The ethereal body exists as plasma/anti-matter. To consciously experience the dimensional shift, the ethereal body needs to be at the same wavelength as the ethereal frequency of the planet.
如釋說:宇宙活力 進入「模式」, 瞬間填充,成為"具體的 物質" ( 正物質 ) 之後,能量離開,下批新能量進來,再填充,再離開,再進來....
「反物質宇宙」就是由 " 前影像 " 跟 " 後影像 " 構成的,它和我們的「正物質宇宙」密切相連,幾乎可以說是 " 雙胞胎 "。
The people that have not raised their frequency or do not raise their frequency now will not be able to physically handle the wave of high frequency energy as the planet enters through the dimensional gateway. Their bodies will disconnect from the planets ethereal body during the shift.
This is how the "spiritual selection" process works. The current calamities we are experiencing right now on the planet with the destructive actions such as war, pollution, nuclear waste has a direct impact on the planet's life force, because any negative energy stored within our ethereal bodies filters directly into the planets ethereal body.
And this is how the controllers are trying to stop the planet from shifting into the next dimension. For those of us who are compatible with the higher frequencies during the shift transition, we will feel like we exist but do not exist.
我們的意識是能量,會作為能量穿梭,我們會作為光之能量流過維度門戶,但我們可能感覺不到,因為通過維度的門戶僅需一秒左右,我們會在另一邊的5D 再具象化自己。
Our consciousness is energy and will be traveling as energy and we will actually flow as light energy through the dimensional gateway, but we might not really feel it because it will take about a second to travel through the dimensional gateway and we will be rematerialized on the other side in 5D.
我們的身體會擁有和現在一樣的外表,除了我們新的身體會是水晶 / 二氧化矽,因為來自太陽閃耀的更高頻率會改變我們身體的原子結構。
Our body will have the same physical appearance as it does right now, except our new body will be Crystal/Silica because the higher frequencies from the solar flares have altered the atomic structure of our body.
Only anti-matter will ascend and pass through the dimensional gateway. Meaning only naturally occurring things within the planet will ascend.
所有人造的物體與 3D 現實中的合成材料會在轉變期間瓦解。所以人類當前的大部分科技在轉變之後不會存在。地球完全螺旋上升到下一個維度需要花費大概 24 個小時。
All man made objects and synthetic materials within the 3D reality will disintegrate during the shift. So most of humanity's current technology will not exist after the shift. It will take about 24 hours for the planet to fully spiral upwards into the next dimension.
在轉變期間,人造 / 合成的物體會開始消退,從我們的視線中消失,但與此同時,新地球會開始出現,在我們周圍具象化。所以轉變會作為 3D 過濾器運作,任何含有 3D 頻率的物體或東西會被剝離並消失,當我們進入 5D。
During the shift man made/synthetic objects will begin to fade out and disappear from our view, but at the same time, new Earth will begin to appear and materialize around us. So the shift will act as a 3D filter, any item or object that has a 3D frequency will spin off the planet and disappear when we move into 5D.
The dimensional shift will be the catalyst for some major transmutations to the planet. Everything will look brighter and there will be new shapes and colors which will define our new plane of reality. You will notice that some family and friends are not with you.
Please understand that a greater part of the worlds population for whatever reason will decide not to ascend to new Earth. We are now in crucial times, this is the moment of truthfulness for every being on the planet.
Will they choose to allow themselves to be fully immersed and flooded with the higher dimensional frequency or reject the energy?
說不的人會以太地剝離地球,通過正常的物理死亡,轉世到匹配他們意識水平的地方,另一個類似於地球的 3D 星球上。
The people who say no will ethereally spin off the planet by going through the normal physical death process and will reincarnate to a place that matches the level of consciousness they are, in another 3D planet similar to Earth.
The bottom line is everyone will ascend at the time of the planetary shift, but not everyone will choose to ascend to new Earth.
翻譯:Nick Chan