2018年6月4日 星期一

【銀河聯邦 Sheldan Nidle】2018年05月29日 更新

Selamat Jalwa! (be in righteousness) 天狼星語,處在正義當中。陰謀集團的衰敗

Salamat Jalwa(be in righteousness). The decline of the cabal continues. Their slow, arrogantmoves and our quick retaliatory counterpunches are leaving these scallywags ina morass of their own making. Our Earth Allies continue to build globalalliances that are clearly intensifying their Victory over the dark. The keysto this victory are your rising levels of consciousness, and your growinghunger to be free and spiritually sovereign from the dark and its endlesscenturies of slavery, greed and contempt. Heaven continues to equip and fortifyeach of you for full consciousness. Your pending reality shift is the reasonthe dark's influence is waning and why the cabal is in such a panic.


Keep constantly in mind what is unfoldingaround you. Trust in the plan. Our Earth allies regularly release Truths thatare designed to give you a better understanding of what is actually occurring.These numerous and varied alliances are ultimately to determine the outcome. Wecannot overemphasize the significance of this current strategy to your freedom.A union of many factions, it is focused upon undermining the cabal's everystep. Their old, tried-and-true strategies, which once worked so well on thepopulace, are no longer proving successful. The masses are waking up.


Consciousness is a universal web of divinewisdom through which the interconnectedness of all life is clearly apparent.You are consciousness, and consciousness is you. The disconnect you currentlyexperience is an illusion foisted upon you by your state of limitedconsciousness. As you awaken to this, the potential for positive change in allareas expands. It is the time when the architects of the old ways fall fromgrace and Lightworkers are liberated to wield their beams of Light.


Concerning Earth changes, expect these to beregionally intense at times. Gaia has decided to delay many of the changes on aglobal scale since your own transformation is not very far off. Her finaltransformation won't take place until you are safe in Agartha, taking yourfinal , ecstatic step into full consciousness. Until then, Gaia is to focus onresolving the pressure on her tectonic plates and on building up the Pacificand Atlantic Ocean basins for the return of the continents of Lemuria andAtlantis. As a fully-conscious planet, she is noted for both her symmetry andher exquisite beauty. The rising of Atlantis and Lemuria will balance Gaia'sland-water ratio. Once again, she will return to her original, pristine bodyconfiguration as a mono-polar planet.


Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Wecome bringing you many blessings! You have greatly assisted us by manifesting awondrous collective of positive thoughts each day. The citizens of your worldare beginning to understand that we are all interconnected. As you grow inconsciousness, your thoughts become more highly focused and more affirmative.It is important for you to realize how easily negative thoughts, strungtogether, can delay that which you wish to visualize. Take the time to cometogether and use your combined thoughts to envision the most wondrous outcome.As you do this on a regular basis, you can make your positive thoughts a morepowerful and irresistible alternative.


As humans expand in consciousness, we growincreasingly aware of the spiritual nature of physicality. We observe that, asyou become more awakened to who you truly are ? a spiritual Being having aphysical experience ? you are navigating, with more grace and less anger andjudgment, the demise of the cabal. We watch you employing your growing power todemand people-focused government. Everywhere, nations are realizing theimperative of freedom, and are turning away from regimes that fail to heed thecall of their citizens.


You are experiencing a transition, from theworld you currently know to one that more truly reflects who you are becoming.This is a time when each individual interlinks their powerful spiritual giftsinto the whole. As you weave a new reality into existence, imagine the beautythat your diversity brings to the divine fabric of your new galactic society.Keep ever in mind your importance to the collective that is surface humanity.Your realm continues to change for the better. Persevere in your individualaffirmations and the mighty visualizations that are building toward enduringfreedom for all .

今天,我們討論了在這個世界所正在展開的事情。許多事件正在發生,會使得你們能夠將這黑暗領域轉化成光。我們只請你們接納這個信息並用它來變成更加知曉所正在發生在你們身上的事情,以及發生在組成這個現實的社會身上的事情。親愛的人們,請知曉天堂數不盡的供應和永無止境的繁榮確實是你​​們的!去這樣成為它! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (天狼星語,成為一!處於喜悅中!)

Today, we discussed what is unfolding aroundthis globe. Many events are occurring that will enable you to transform thisdark realm to the Light. We simply ask you to take this information and use itto become more aware of what is happening to you, and to the societies thatmake up this reality. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply andnever-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun!Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

原創: xiaohaozi0716 nannvshen   愛情魔法 今天
SheldanNidle 20180529更新
原文:http://paoweb.com/sn052918.htm     翻譯:xiaohaozi0716

