2019年11月1日 星期五

【Sandra Walter】《地磁風暴和等離子湧入》

祝福,親愛的    Blessings Beloveds

守門人一直在處理 10 月 25 日的這個湧入,今天我們伴隨著舒曼共振的峰值和地磁風暴閃閃發光。多喝水,冥想神聖之愛,這是一個強大的湧入。

Gatekeepers have been working with this October 25 influx, and here we glow with the Schumann resonance spikes & Geomagnetic storms this day. HYDRATE and meditate on Divine Love, it’s a strong influx.

Create a moment to receive this.

這些是源頭的代碼(又譯源代碼)和 2020 時間線的能量,為最終的 11-11 和 12-12 門戶做準備(會交付“我們體現(又譯化身)的全新層面”)。冬至和 12 月 25 日的日月食已經在我們的場域中,將我們拉入新的意識狀態和神性。

These are Source codes and 2020 timeline energies, preparing for the final 11-11 and 12-12 Gateways which deliver brand new levels of our Embodiment. The December Solstice and December 25 eclipse are already in our fields, pulling us into new states of consciousness and Divinity.


That said, the frequencies are very refined, so we anticipate final releasing activity to be amplified as well. Create your journey responsibly; zero point energies amplify personal outcomes as well as the collective timelines. Align, align, align.

在過去的一周許多人收到了美麗的重寫(又譯修改)活動。包括強烈的完全 - 光之身體對齊與 DNA 激活。一個新的體驗,相當神聖。

Many have received beautiful rewriting activity over the past week; including intense hours of full-lightbody alignments and DNA activation. A new experience, and quite Divine.


We are being prepared, dear hearts. Make space for a truly sacred passage.We are IN it.

所有可用的心把神聖的愛和穩定性發送給水晶走廊,尤其是加州,把那些放大的能量通過網格發送到中西部 / 東海岸。溫柔地,伴隨著輕盈和優雅。負責地創造 ~ 一切都好。就是如此。

All available hearts send Divine Love and stability to the Crystalline Corridor, especially California, and migrate those amplified energies out through the grids toward the Midwest/East Coast. Gently, with ease and grace. Responsible Creation ~ All is well. So it is.

我們“正在分解時間線”就像他們在上面所說的。我們在 12-12-12 ( 12-12-2019 )到達蓋亞揚升的神聖七年標誌。每一個參與的人都處於更高的軌跡,會讓你的體驗變得更好 --- 變成新的東西。

We are *resolving timelines* as they say upstairs. We hit the sacred seven year mark of Gaia's ascension on the 12-12-12 (12-12-2019). Everyone participating is ON that higher trajectory, which is changing your experience for the better – to something new.


Note the difference in denser time dynamics as Freedom codes resolve the influence of the lower timelines (the past.) Celebrate this transition into the flowing, creative states of the New Earth consciousness.


The intensification of Divine Love purifies the memory fields, which are the emotional creations of the collective which create our experience of time. The re-alignment of your path with the higher trajectory is the purpose of these energies.

這是已經在上演(從年中起)的 2020 能量。加速已經啟動。自由代碼被體現者激活,通過揚升中的集體。接收祝福,升級。消除對在較低現實中運作的擔憂。這是我們此刻的任務。

This is the 2020 energies already in play (since mid-year.) Acceleration is ON. Freedom Codes are activated by the Embodiers, through the ascending collective. Receive the bliss, level up. Dismiss concerns about operating in the lower realities. This is our task at the moment.

經常排練幸福、感恩、全球寬恕和豐盛的感受。這會改變你的 DNA ,你的能量場,你的時間線選擇。然後創造,光之基礎( light-ground ),採取行動把那個現實拉入你的生命流。

Rehearse the feeling of bliss, gratitude, global forgiveness and abundance OFTEN. It changes your DNA, your energy fields, and your timeline choice. Then create, light-ground, take action to pull that reality into your lifestream.


Pause. Get outside in the cosmic influx to receive light codes Now.

這確實是讓你的基督自我向前一步、接管你的心、引導揚升這個階段的時刻。使用那個水晶 DNA ,它持有著你所是的一切,你即將成為的一切。

it is truly a moment to let your Christed Self step forth, take over the Heart, and direct this phase of your Ascension. Use that Crystalline DNA, it holds all that you are, and all you are becoming!


We unify as open conduits of this Divine NEW light level. Let us create positive, brilliant transformation, with as much ease and grace as possible.

翻譯:Nick Chan

