2018年3月1日 星期四


在這篇文章裡,薩古魯寫到了一個即將發生的轉變,這一轉變關乎他本人、 Isha
以及全人類。他談到, “ 人類存在的根本方式正在轉變 ” ,以及 “ 從許多方面來說,這是一個充滿了可能性的時代。 ”

On this Spot, Sadhguru writes about an imminent shift for him personally, for Isha, and for humanity as a whole. He says, “Something fundamental is shifting in the very way human beings are,” and “In many ways, it will be a time of great possibilities.”

薩古魯:過去的幾個月我的旅行量驚人。我本希望隨著我變老,我可以結束旅行箱的生活,開始櫥櫃的生活,但是我現在又回到旅行箱的生活。在過去的一個半到兩個月裡,我們處在一個過渡期。接下來的十二年將會是靈性的黃金時代。從許多方面來說,這是一個充滿了可能性的時代。當我們全速前進時,對於靈性運動、對 Isha 、對你們所有人來說,都將會是一個很好的時機。這同時也意味著大量的工作 —— 我會首當其衝,但你知道我信奉分享的原則 —— 而我所擁有的就只有工作,所以你也會分到它們。重要的是我們要做好它,盡力帶來最大的影響。

Sadhguru: The last few months have been a monstrous amount of travel for me. I was hoping that as I age, I would graduate from living out of a suitcase to a cupboard, but I am back to the suitcase. We were at a cusp for the last one and a half to two months, and around end of April, beginning of May, I have completed five solar cycles. The coming twelve years will be the golden age for spirituality on the planet. In many ways, it will be a time of great possibilities. When we move into top gear, it will be a good speed, a good time for the spiritual movement, for Isha, and for all of you. That will also mean a lot of work. I will take the brunt of it, in terms of activity, but you know I believe in sharing what I have. As all I have is only work, you will get it too. It is important that we do this well, with maximum impact.


Humanity is at a crossroads. Something fundamental is shifting in the very way human beings are. Things that have given hope to humanity are crumbling and falling apart. If you believed everything they told to you, you would not seek spiritual process. You would think you know the entire creation, God, heaven, and hell. Without knowing, life would pass you by. For most human beings, nothing has ever touched them profoundly. They have never looked at a tree with tears in their eyes. They have never looked at a butterfly, trembling with it. They have never caught the sunlight before it hits the blades of grass. They live without being truly alive.

在未來幾年裡,靈性和社會層面都將發生巨變。這個世界會發生許多改變,我也會採取很多調整。為此做好準備吧。這將會是一個好的時代,但是好事都會帶來大量活動和工作。許多其他團體也為此而努力著,但我們將扮演著一個關鍵的角色。斯坦福、哈佛、耶魯、沃頓商學院等美國頂級大學和其他許多常春藤盟校正對靈性敞開懷抱,這是有史以​​來第一次。因為時間關係,我們只能選擇性地接受,但我的意圖是觸及所有的年輕人。本來大學( universities )對我並不意味著什麼 —— 我住在這個宇宙( universe )裡。但這些曾是抵抗靈性的最後堡壘。如今學者們開始接受神秘主義和靈性作為他們生活的一部分。

In the coming few years, spiritually and socially, big things will happen. There will be a lot of change in the world, and a lot of change about me too. Be ready for that. This is going to be a good time, but like all good things, it comes with lots of activity. Many other groups are also working towards this, but we will have a significant role to play. Top level universities in the United States, such as Stanford, Harvard, Yale, the Wharton Business School, and many other Ivy League schools are opening up to the spiritual process, for the very first time. It is due to lack of time we are accepting selectively, but my intention is to touch the entire spectrum of youth. As such, universities do not mean much to me – I live in this universe. But these were the last bastions of resistance. Now academics are beginning to accept mysticism and spirituality as a part of their lives.

社會的關鍵領域如企業界、學術界、甚至是政界也開始對靈性開放,這是一件好事。近期我們為安得拉邦( Andhra Pradesh )和中央邦( Madhya Pradesh )政府開設了課程。再過幾天,我將為拉賈斯坦邦政府( Rajasthan )的州長以及所有部長和官員們開課。這是過去許多智者和預言家們的祝愿,他們一直希望促成靈性和政治的聯姻。管理一個像印度這樣多樣化的國家絕非令人羨慕的工作。一些政治家做了些糟糕的事,但也有很多美好的事發生了。從 1947 年到今天,這個國家經歷了顯著的轉變。我們本可以做得更好,但我們幹得也不算糟糕。接下來的五到十年裡將會是印度的黃金時代。

It is a good thing for the world that established sectors – corporate sectors, academics, and even politicians – are opening up to spiritual process. We recently did programs for the Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh governments, and in a few days, we are going to do a program for the government of Rajasthan, from Chief Minister, to all the ministers, and the bureaucrats. This is a blessing of many sages and seers of the past, who all aspired to marry the spiritual process and the political process. Administering a nation as diverse as India is not an enviable job. Some politicians have done terrible things, but wonderful things have been achieved too. From 1947 to today, there has been a phenomenal transformation in the country. We could have done better, but still , we have not done too badly. And the next five to ten years are going to be a golden age for India.

經濟發展對於靈性的傳播是至關重要的,因為人們必須要看到,即便吃得好穿得好,生命還是不圓滿。你不能對一個飢餓的人說這話 —— 這太殘酷了。你必須填滿他的胃,他必須要意識到吃飽了之後,生命仍不圓滿。因此,經濟發展是促使人們尋求靈性的一個重要方面。而靈性進程是經濟發展的最終目的 —— 人類幸福的一個重要部分。如果經濟發展了,但人們還是不幸福,這也是很殘酷的。而這就是這個世界的現狀。將近百分之四十的歐洲人在服用精神藥物。在泰米爾納邦,十個人裡面有一個是糖尿病患者。大部分人口袋裡一有點錢就去買醉。這不是幸福。

Economic development is essential for spiritual process to spread, because people have to see that after eating well, shopping well, still life is not fulfilling. You can not tell this to a hungry man – it would be cruel. You must make his stomach full , and he must realize with a full stomach, still life is not fulfilling. So, economic development is an important aspect for spiritual process to happen to people. And spiritual process is an important element for fulfilling the purpose of economic development – human wellbeing. If there is economic development, but still, people are not feeling well, it is cruel too. And that is a reality in the world. Nearly forty percent of Europeans are on psychiatric medication. One in ten people in Tamil Nadu is diabetic, and a major part of the population is getting drunk the moment they have a little money. This is not wellbeing.

如果只有經濟繁榮而沒有靈性幸福,你會擁有一切而又一無所有。在這個意義上講印度是幸運的,因為經濟和靈性將在未來十二年里基本同時發生。當講到靈性幸福,我們要考慮到全人類的幸福。我想要你體驗到創造你真正在乎的東西的那種喜悅。一些年輕人站出來成為了老師和全職志願者,消耗著自己的生命去觸及你,來到你的城市,為你開辦課程。是時候你也站出來做同樣的事了,因為只有在這世界創造一場靈性的潮流,才能說這場靈性運動是成功的。你個人的解放會被照顧好 —— 那對我們來說甚至不是個問題。但是,讓我們居住的這個世界處處充滿靈性芬芳難道不重要嗎?

Unless economic wellbeing is bolstered with spiritual wellbeing, you will have everything yet have nothing. In this context India is fortunate, because economic and spiritual wellbeing will largely happen together in the next twelve years. But when it comes to spiritual wellbeing, we have to think in terms of wellbeing of humanity as a whole. I want you to know the joy of creating something you really care for. A few young people, who stood up to become teachers and fulltime volunteers, have been wearing their lives out to reach you , to come to your town and offer programs for you. It is time you also stand up and do that, because a spiritual movement is successful only if it creates a trend towards spirituality in the world. Your individual salvation will be taken care of – that is not even an issue for us. But is it not important that we live in a world that has a spiritual fragrance, wherever we go?


This spiritual springtime must be a worldwide phenomenon. Never before in the history of humanity has there been a Guru who could talk to one billion people at once. Krishna, as wonderful as he was, would have spoken gently, so only a few people heard him. Gautama the Buddha was a little more single-minded. He may have spoken a little louder, and a few more people would have heard him. Today, we are so technologically empowered that if we do the necessary work, we can sit here and talk to seven billion people. Never before was this possible. When all kinds of rubbish are reaching the entire world, itis high time spiritual process reaches the entire world too.

現階段跟我們一道以各種方式參與進來的人中,有三分之二沒有上過我們的任何課程。他們只是跟踪 Youtube 、 Facebook 、讀我們的書,或是看我們的電視節目,因而受到啟發鼓舞。舉個例子 —— 我最近去烏賈因( Ujjain )的空巴( Kumbh ),那裡有武裝警察,他們是首席部長安保分隊的一部分。當他們看到我的那一刻,他們高興地唱著 “Shiva-Shiva” 這首大濕婆之夜的唱誦。他們全都通過現場直播與我們一起度過大濕婆之夜,對他們而言,他們跟我們是一體的。

At this stage, already two thirds of the people who are with us, participating in many ways, have not done any program with us. They are with us on YouTube, Facebook, reading a book, or seeing us on television, and they are inspired. To give an example – when I recently went to the kumbhin Ujjain, there were armed policemen as part of the security detail for the Prime Minister. The moment they saw me, they gleefully chanted, “Shiva–Shiva,” echoing the thunderclap of Mahashivaratri. They have all been with us on Mahashivaratri via live broadcast, and as far as they are concerned, they are one with us.

科技的美妙應該被用在正確的目的上,即用於人類的幸福。只有當靈性、經濟和政治發展合而為一,人類的幸福才會到來。我想要你們所有人都為這個重要的時期做好準備。許多事情都已經在醞釀之中。你將會在接下來的幾年內看到它以不同的方式逐漸成形。我在之前說過這個 —— 當我們在換擋加速的時候,不抓緊就要掉隊。我這一生目睹了太多曾經非常親近我的人掉隊。對我來說,最重要的是當我們加快速度的時候,你不掉隊。所以我現在告訴你,我們正在換檔。那些在睡覺的人 —— 不要掉隊。讓我們一起實現它 —— 為了你自己和這個世界。

The wonders of technology should be made use of for the right purposes, that is, for the wellbeing of humanity. Only if the spiritual process, the economic process, and the political process come together as one, will human wellbeing happen. I want all of you to gear up for this momentous time. Many things are in the pipeline. You will start seeing it take shape in the next couple of years, in many different ways. I have said this before – as we are changing gears and picking up speed, hold on tight or you will fall off. I have seen too many people who were very dear to me fall off, right through my life. The most important thing for me is that when a change in momentum happens, you do not fall off. So I am telling all of you, we are changing gears right now. All those sleeping ones – do not fall off. Let's make this happen – for yourself and the world.

愛與恩典    Love&Grace

薩古魯    Sadhguru


