2014年8月14日 星期四


天父說 :  God said:


Your heart is a pumpof love. What is blood that runs through you but a form of love?What is all of your body but a form of My love? And, so, you alwayswant to nurture your body and think well of it. Let Us hear no moreof illness. Love everything about you. Love your bones, love yourshape, love your height, love your skin, love your nose, love yourtoes. Just love that body of yours that takes you everywhere. Lovethe accoutrements that your body supports for you sowillingly.


Never again say youdon't like your neck, that it is too long and too thin or too shortand fat, and don't say again you wish your body had this and hadthat. Part of taking care of your body is to speak well to it andof it. Thank your body for all it does to house your spirit onEarth. Your body is your friend for one lifetime. It is yourfriend.


The physical is notall of you by any means. You already know that. While you are onEarth, your body serves you while your soul is forever. Your bodyis not, and yet your body caters to you.


How do you talk tothose who are your servants? You don't look at servants and say,“You're ugly.” You don't constantly point out to servants how youwish they were different. If you want good service from servants, you treat them well.


If you think you haveno first hand experience with servants, think about how you treatwaiters in a restaurant. I believe you thank them. You talk to themas to a human being. You don't put them down all the time. You knowbetter.


Please know betterhow to look at and speak to your body. A little appreciation goes along way.


Love your body. Ifyou can't find it within you to love your body wholeheartedly, thenlove it for the service it gives you. Your body is unique andspecial. It does for you all it can do for you. Speak well of yourbody. You are always talking about your body in front of it. Thereis no speaking of it behind your back. Have consideration of howyou view your body and how you talk to it.


If you are anemic, beencouraging to your blood. Cheer it on. There are more ways thanexercise to strengthen your body, do you understand Me?


Cheer on yourmuscles. Cheer on your eyes. Praise them. Tell your ears all thegood things it does for you, how happy you are to have ears thathelp you listen to all the sounds of the world. Let your ears knowhow important they are to you . Your eyes, absolutely. Your nose,what your nose does for you. Be glad. Be glad for your hands thattouch and your skin that can tell the difference between silk andburlap. Y​​ou may say what a great meal you had, yet what aboutrecognition of your taste buds that serve you day in and day outwithout complaint? And what about your tongue and lips that helpyou make sounds?


Bless your feet forwhere they take you and all the miles they travel to do yourbidding.Engage with yourphysical heart. Give it a great mental massage.


Your thoughts canenable or disable. Your mind, your speech, your thoughts can workwonders.


