2015年3月3日 星期二



In these days leading up to the Solstice time, there ismuch light of an aggressive nature affectingyou. By aggressive, we mean notill-meaning or hurtful. It is instead the sort of a frequency whichyou shall notice in a intensely physical and openly tangiblesense. Are there many of you who might saythat this is not so? That you have not atall been feeling tired or achy, deeply emotional, fearful orsomewhat lost? We wish to assure you thatthese reactions are but by-products of your bodies' absorption of alevel and quality of energy that your human vessels have, thus far,not experienced. Such frequencies are mostfamiliar and comfortable for you while in a non-human state, andyour higher nature recognizes and embraces theseenergies. But they can be quite taxing toyour Earthly selves, as you are exhausted already-each one ofyou-for this particular journey has been long andardous!


Asyou recognize and ackowledge fleeting feelings of false entrapmentand confusion, accept them for exactly what they are; reactions,garbled messages, and the lower ego's last-ditch attempts to remaina significant decision maker in your life. It must not be so, however. You haveevolved far, far past this sort of thing, and must now make lifechoices from the wisdom of your highest and purestnature. These times require you to trustyourself, implicitly. You must have faithin the quality and content of the information you are receiving, beit via the vehicle of dreamtime travel, instantaneous thoughts andepiphanies, or repetetive physical signs which you encounterthroughout your day. ​​Trust yourselves,Dear Ones. Trust and followthrough.


Thus far, your experiences on Earth have been of hardwork, heart-wrenching emotion, and a perceived loss of authenticityand the freedom to live as and be your truestself. Know that with the Solstice opens anew chapter of your Human story. Open thecover and scan the beginning page. Forsome, this book will reveal a roadmap of sorts; the initial stagesof a brand new mission. How veryexciting! Then for others, the pages arepristine and white; these to written on only by you as you createyour own new journey. All arebeautiful. All areunique. Each of you arrived on Earth to doa particular job, and for a specificpurpose. Many of you have completed yourinitial tasks and have elected to stay, this for any number ofreasons. Some cannot bear to depart beforethey've had a chance to witness the miracles ofchange. Others wish to stay and act ashealers, wayshowers or living beacons of thelight. Possibly, you wish to stay and carefor loved ones. All arevalid. All are blessed.


Endeavor to be in the peace of God and all The Universe,sweet Travelers. This day is but amillisecond in time, so seek to embrace it and do with it gloriousthings. For when you are home again, andso you will be, you shall look fondly upon these days andreminisce. As you sit together with yourFamily of Light, you shall exchange stories of great growth andadventure! And those who sit in circlewith you shall too learn and be awestruck. To be an Earth-traveler is to be seasoned and wise , and even themost mundane- seeming of Human days is, in truth, wrought withlessons.


Soknow that Spring soon comes, and with a bevy of brilliant newcolors. Plant the seeds, and come Autumnreap the abundant harvest of their bounty.

通靈:Bella Capozzi  翻譯:Nick Chan

