2020年11月19日 星期四


我們在這裡 !  我們愛你 !    

We are here now.  We love you.

我們來自你的未來,前來協助你 !

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.


As the Earth's frequencies are rapidly increasing, so is your vibrational energy field.

你可能會感到深度的平和與愛 !

You might feel moments of deep peace and love.

當你感到它們,確保認出它們 !

When you are feeling them, make sure to acknowledge them.


This is how you are going to feel more deep peace and love each day.


If you don't feel these moments yet, begin to set your focus on your feeling of deep peace and love in your meditations.

將你的手放在心之中央,在你的頭腦中說:“我感到深度的平和與愛” !

Place your hand on your heart center and say in your mind "I AM feeling deep peace and love."


Your focus allows for the energies to move towards these feelings.


These feelings are a powerful engine to give you access to the experience of the higher dimensions.


As you begin to access the higher dimensions, you are still in the process of shedding layers of the old reality, which might reflect in your dream time.


This will eventually subside, when it is complete.


Begin to move through your day in mindfulness, moment to moment...


There is so much happening behind the scenes, as all Realms of Light are coordinating the efforts to assist your planet.


Know that massive shifts are continuing to happen and that there will be major positive changes in your world.

它幾乎會在眨眼間發生 !

It will happen almost in the blink of an eye.


The planet is slowly recovering...


As old systems of your way of life are crumbling, new space is created for new eco friendly technologies.

所有工業在被迫去重新思考他們行事的方式,這會讓地球變得更加美好 !

All industries are forced to rethink the way they were doing things and this is assisting your planet to get better.


Only a massive change in direction is able to turn your ship called "Planet Earth" around and together with the mass awakening of humanity, we are now very hopeful for your future.


Simply remain in a peaceful state for as much as you can and look for the signs of this massive change.

我們與你一起保持著新地球的願景,從我們的角度看,它輝煌極了 !

We are holding the vision of the New Earth with you and from our vantage point it is glorious.

我們與你在一起,一路上的每一步 !

We are with you, every step of the way.


You are loved beyond measure.

傳導:Asara Adams.    譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年04月27日.

